Category: Hunt

  • 41 – Roll With The Punches

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 41 Find a Place which only has a couple of doors in sight before opening up. What is the number and letter written on the right hand door? If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without…

  • 73 – Line Up

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 73 Where kids have fun, what word would they find upside down? If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer…

  • 97 – Excuse Me

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 97 out of 100 If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer is correct, it will take you to the…

  • 01 – Begin The Hunt

    Stow Treasure Hunt This is your very first clue… Clue 1 Head West until you find an establishment which entertains and amazes the public. Use the full name of the establishment to move on to the next clue. If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without…

  • 26 – Lambjun

    Stow Treasure Hunt Stay where you are and solve this puzzle through lateral thinking… If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer is correct, it will take you to the…

  • 62 – Ansar Gardens

    Stow Treasure Hunt Stay where you are and solve this puzzle through lateral thinking… If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer is correct, it will take you to the…

  • 74 – Maze

    Stow Treasure Hunt Stay where you are and solve this puzzle through lateral thinking… Add the word “school“ before typing the answer If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer…

  • 43 – Robin Hood

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 43 If you were learning to program and wanted your eyelashes done at the same time, where would you go? If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d…

  • 75 – Half Term

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 75 What 5-digit number would you find on the hazard sign, next to the Children and Family Centre? If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using…

  • 98 – Criminal

    Stow Treasure Hunt Congratulations on solving the previous clue Clue 98 out of 100 If you know the answer, enter it at the end of the URL (after the slash) without any spaces, dots or capital letters. (I’d recommend using a new window) If the answer is correct, it will take you to the…